Hydraulics and Hydrology


The Hydraulics and Hydrology staff have over 30 years experience of research and consultancy in hydrology, hydraulics and planning and management of water resources, as well as of mathematical and physical modelling of hydraulic and hydraulic-sedimentological flow phenomena related or not with hydraulic structures.

The Group has a 1500 sqm Physical Modelling Laboratory, as well as a computer center, where studies, projects and research have been conducted since 1979. Subjects such as hydraulics and river engineering, river overflows and floods, urban hydraulics, mathematics modelling in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions and reduced scale physical modelling of water channels. This computer center has state-of-the-art mathematical models for the analysis of one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional flows.

On the subject of flood risks, our staff has acquired valuable knowledge and experience on the latest computer and statistical techniques. Projects in this area include a seven-year program for the Flood Risk Map of the Region of Valencia for the Department of Public Works; research on the space-time stochastic structure of extreme rain fields for the Ministry of Public Works; the PREVASA Report on flooding of the river Júcar; and the development of a Real Time Flood Prediction Systems for the IBERDROLA power generating company and the Centre for Hydrographic Studies (Ministry of Public Works).

In addition, different flood studies have been carried out, among which stand out those as T.M. Of Onil, Benicassim-Golf, etc. All of them endorse the Group staff experience and knowledge of the most current computer techniques and statistics, as well as the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the field of hydrology and hydraulic engineering. Thus, it has been collaborating with the City Council of Valencia in information management of the sewer network. In the field of hydraulic planning, mathematical models of almost all water systems in the Valencian region and other peninsular watersheds have been carried out, having participated very directly in the work of the National Hydrological Plan and drafted the Valencian Community Hydraulics Resources White Book. In 1991, Dr. Marco was chosen to co-direct the report on Desertification and Water Resources for the European Parliament.

In terms of physical modelling, the work team has carried out important projects, developing physical models of hydraulic structures, such as the dams of Algar de Palancia, Beniarrés, etc., or channeling, such as the river Segura in Orihuela, the ravine “de las Ovejas” (Alicante), etc. It is also worth mentioning the work carried out on mathematical modelling of the water-sediment biphase flow, such as, for example, the analysis of the final stretch of the Júcar River from Cullera to its mouth.

On the other hand, the hydrological aspects of the environment, have been approached in several research projects of the Albufera of Valencia, Fondo d´Elx, Pego – Oliva marsh, and other coastal lagoons and wetlands, or in studies contracted with the Public Administration on the interaction between the riverside vegetation and the water regime.

Proof of the research work carried out is the computer application developed RAINGEN, as well as the participation in European projects such as FLOODAWARE “Prevention and forecast of floods”, FRAMEWORK “Flash-flood risk assessment under the impacts of land use changes and river engineering works”, EUROTAS “European River Flood Occurrence and Total Risk Assessment System”.

Responsible of group

Rafael Garcia Bartual


Professors and Research Staff

Pascual Abad Moreno

Adjunct Professor

Eduardo Albentosa Hernández

Associate Professor

Ignacio Andrés Doménech

Associate Professor

Miguel Ángel Eguibar Galán

Associate Professor

Juan Bautista Marco Segura

Professor ad honorem

Francisco José Vallés Morán

Associate Professor

Research support staff

Rosario Balbastre Soldevila

Predoctoral researcher

Darío Calzadilla Cabrera

Senior research technician

Eduardo García Haba

Senior research technician

Juan Francisco Macián Pérez

Ph.D. Researcher

Joaquín Oliver Castelló

Lab Research Assisstant

Juan Carlos Edo Esteve

Lab Research Assisstant

Contact us

Phone: 96 387 98 20

E-mail: info@iiama.upv.es

Polytechnic City of Innovation, Building 8G
Access D, 5th Floor
Camino de Vera S/N - Postal Code: 46022
Valencia - Spain

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